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world updates
Early Summer, Year One
  • This is an example of a World Update, which could include site-wide events, a thread in a specific Kingdom, or even just a character highlight.

  • A second update can go here. They can be virtually any length, but will be kept short for organization.

  • Look! A wild third update has appeared. Better throw a pokeball at it.

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Lycaenos' concepts, creation and coding belongs to Magtox. Banner image © Thomas Cole, 1836. Thank you to Selkie & Kaons for coding help. Characters belong to their respective creators. Graciously hosted by Kaons Hosting. Powered By MyBB, © 2002- MyBB Group.

In the shadow of the land's tallest mountain rests a large glade, with its outer trees so thick and mysterious that very little light penetrates through the canopy above. Several mounds of varying boulders lay scattered throughout the thick trees and undergrowth while the trees themselves possess a shadowed hue of deep blues, purples, and all things darkness. Tendrils of tiny creeks snake their way though much of the landscape offering water to the thick if low-growing moss-beds, vines and other vegetation.

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The Glade
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