Χαίρετε, Traveler.


the nations

world updates
Early Summer, Year One
  • This is an example of a World Update, which could include site-wide events, a thread in a specific Kingdom, or even just a character highlight.

  • A second update can go here. They can be virtually any length, but will be kept short for organization.

  • Look! A wild third update has appeared. Better throw a pokeball at it.

latest posts


site credits
Lycaenos' concepts, creation and coding belongs to Magtox. Banner image © Thomas Cole, 1836. Thank you to Selkie & Kaons for coding help. Characters belong to their respective creators. Graciously hosted by Kaons Hosting. Powered By MyBB, © 2002- MyBB Group.



Game Mechanics

The Nations

Blessed by the First Pantheon, the lands of Lycaenos have taken on a fresh shape: imbued by the magic that flows through it, each element has laid claim to a different territory and so too will follow the structure of the Nations themselves. Currently, the names are mere placeholders based on each lands' appearance, however as they are each explored they will likely be given new, more personal namesakes.

Nature: The Crescent
Metal: The Expanse
Reality: The Apex
Light: The Plateau
Shadow: The Glade

Although this isn't set in permanent stone, for now these lands remain unchangeable: an elemental territory will always be reflected above, and these territories will not change based on Nation Leadership or otherwise.


Each Nation will follow the same structure of Ranks indicative of leadership and may not deviate from them out-of-character. While some leaders may choose to shuffle or re-appoint various ranks and names therein, for sake of clarity and simplicity the following list of Ranks will remain the same across the site. The bracketed number indicates the maximum number of characters that might occupy said rank at one time (with - indicating no limit). Ranks with multiple names separated by a / indicate the ability to choose which gendered name represents the character for that rank.

[2] Imperator, Imperatrix
Leaders and representatives of their Nation. Their word is final, their decree made law. Max of 2, 1 per gender.

[1] Regent
The trusted second in command to the Imperators and their closest, most trusted advisor. Should the leaders be indisposed and the Heritor not of age, the Regent might take control of the Nation in their stead until such time comes for their ascension. In times of need this rank can be caretaker of the Nation should the Imperators be required to travel, etc.

[3] Ephor
Appointed and trusted advisors. These confidants typically answer to the Imperators and the Regent, but are chosen for their knowledge of specific areas of expertise: war, politics, the lands, etc.

[1] Heritor
The chosen heir of the Nation. Typically - though not always - a child of the current leaders. They are next in line for the throne.

[-] Progenor/Progena
The children of the Imperators, most often siblings with one another whether by blood, adoption, or arranged placement.

[-] Spartan
The direct guardians of the royal family and the Nation. Masterful warriors, chosen for their skill and loyalty.

[-] Provider
Hunters, gatherers. It is their purpose to keep the Nation food-stocks well supplied and keep tabs on the movement of herds.

[-] Espion
Swift and silent of foot, Espions are the esteemed spies and scouts of a Nation, often lurking land-borders out of sight and gathering information.

[-] Elder
Keepers of the lore of their Nation, educators of the royal children, head healers and the mouthpiece of the Pantheon as chosen or requested of them.

[-] Medik
Healers, medics. They are expected to be well versed in the herbs and remedies of their Nation.

[-] Denizen
The general populace of a Nation. While no specific duty is assigned to them, they are expected to fill any voids as necessary (particularly with watching Younglings in the dens).

[-] Youngling
The pups and teens of a Nation and the future generation.

Claims & Challenges

Should a Nation sit vacant with no leadership (as will be the case at the opening of the site), then it is essentially free real estate for any potential leader to come forward and stake their claim.

To lay claim to an Open Nation, a character must meet the following:

1. Be of at least 2 years of age (full maturity) of either gender.

2. Enlist a minimum of 3 followers dedicated to their claim (this number may increase as the site grows). Followers can only be recruited via in-character threads.

3. Have accumulated a minimum of 25 posts and have some level of knowledge of the land they are claiming.

4. Choose an Alignment that best represents the nation's leadership and direction. (This can be done OOCly)

5. Posted their claim thread at the Nation land.

Should their claim go unchallenged, the Dev Team will indicate that character's success and they are free to move forward in-character. Should their claim be challenged by a rival Imperator who has also met the above criteria and they cannot sort their differences via discussion, they will be expected to complete a Combat Challenge to determine the winning claim.

If a Nation has current leadership and a pack has been established, a character who seeks to overthrow or otherwise replace that leadership must place an official Challenge. Challenges may be made at the Nation land in question or at the fighting arena of Olympus. Regardless of locale, the leader being challenged has 48 hours to respond lest the challenge default in the challenger's favor. Be advised that challenge winners have a courtesy grace period of 7 OOC days before they can be challenged again, but that doesn't necessarily determine their welcome by current Nation members.

Nation Activity

Once a nation's leadership has been established (whether by claim, winning a challenge, or ascension), the nation alignment should be decided upon and a den site should be established. Alignments provide the membership with an idea of the motives of each Nation, with the understanding that these can shift and change based on a myriad of factors such as leadership and character growth.

A Nation cannot prosper without progression. While it is expected that a Nation (particularly its leaders) maintain an appropriate level of posting and plot activity to remain safe from disbandment, so too should there be a focus on prosperity. It’s unlikely a stagnant or unmoving Nation will last long within thus Imperators and Denizens alike should be planning for growth: this could include establishing and naming new locations within their borders, utilizing key features in the landscape for cultivation or blockade, learning about any and all resources found to use to their advantage and much more. In an individual capacity, a Nation should always be seeking to evolve within and beyond their means to become a force to be reckoned with.

A Nation’s lifespan and prosperity doesn’t depend on its Imperators alone, but rather the collective efforts of all those within. That being said, the following activity requirements can be completed by any member of a Nation in order to display an appropriate level of activity:

  • Displaying efforts to supply the Nation with adequate food & sustenance. This could be hunting, gathering, foraging, or otherwise securing food stores or a granary.
  • Population Growth: accepting/seeking out new nation members.
  • A gathering or event where a significant portion of the Nation gathers together.
  • Collective training or teaching moments for those of specialty skill (Spartans, Mediks, etc)
  • Official declarations of Alliances or Opposition/Hostility with other Nations. These are usually made by Leaders or their counsel.
  • Establishing trade with other Nations. This could be for resources, travel access, etc.
  • Learning missions to neighboring Nations. This can be conducted secretly by Espions, or plainly stated by emissaries simply gathering intel on neighboring lands or their inhabitants.
  • Patrolling: borderlands, inlands. Always good to be watchful and know what’s happening throughout the Nation.
  • Caretaking the Nation: maintaining cleanliness, removing vermin, perhaps doing things that encourage/discourage certain NPC creatures (removing/chasing away rats vs attracting birds/prey/food).

    While there is currently no set requirement for Imperators to maintain activity and avoid being usurped by Chaos, the Dev Team will monitor each Nation's activity closely. Should a Nation be dormant due to lack of activity or leadership, it's very likely that Chaos or Ether will intervene to remove them from their position. We kindly ask for your consideration with this and bear in mind that you will always have the opportunity to earn a leadership position again in the future, therefore consider your activity with care before placing a character in a leadership rank.

    Denning Sites

    Denning sites play an important role in the comfort and safety of a Nation's wolves as both places of rest and comradery as well as where any pups will be raised. New Imperators should quickly explore and establish a collective denning site within their nation's territory, for without one it's unlikely that Tethys will grant children to those who come to request her blessing.

    Although a denning site may already exist beneath an Imperator and their followers, changes in leadership can be call to change denning sites as well based on personal preference and a myriad of other factors in-character. Once established, a denning site will become a verified sub-forum in that territory where members may post freely.