→ Rules & Regulations
Character Creation
How to Join World-Building
World of Lycaenos
Elemental Magic
Culture & Religion
Nation Structure
Lore & Artifacts
Hall of Heroes Game Mechanics
Resources & Alchemy
Chaos & Ether Events
Beastclans Epilogue
Site Team
Full Credits
General Rules 1. Enjoy your writing!
Our primary goal is for you to have a fun, interactive and creative place where you can enjoy your writing. We want the site to not only be a community of positivity, but also solidarity and encouragement for one another in terms of growing with our characters.
2. Respect your fellow players.
Be respectful and cordial to your fellow players, including members of the Site Team. Approach disagreement with an open mind and from a place of empathy. OOC drama of any kind is highly frowned upon and won’t be tolerated in any capacity, and the Site Team reserves any and all right to dismiss any member who cannot comply with this rule.
3. Manage yourself.
As a member of Lycaenos, you are responsible for your own self-management. This means that the Site Team will make all efforts to avoid mini-modding and instead leave member management up to the players. This includes magic use, rule enforcement, etc. Be mature, be thoughtful, and play within your means. We don’t appreciate the constant pushing of envelopes or attempts to find loopholes. Repeat offenders of this rule will be excused from the site.
4. All players must be at least 16 years old.
Lyceanos is COPPA Compliant, meaning that any member under the age of 13 cannot register on our forum. However, in an effort to foster a more mature community players under the age of 16 will not be accepted, no exceptions.
5. Know the ins and outs of forum roleplay.
We want our players to have previous forum roleplay experience. This includes a firm grasp on general literacy, grammar, and spelling, without the use of chat-speak or unnecessarily ‘flowery’ language. We understand there’s always room for improvement, but we’d rather not be your first rodeo.
6. No OOC to IC or vice versa.
Much like Vegas, what happens In Character stays in character. This goes for Out of Character too; there should be no transference.
7. Metaplay, Powerplay, Retcon and Godmoding: let’s not.
Metaplay (the act of your character gaining knowledge without having roleplayed it) is never allowed, save for specific instances on our Setting page. Powerplay (controlling another person’s character with your own writing) is off limits unless you have permission from that member to do so. Godmoding (unrealistic advantages, invincibility, etc for your character) is not allowed. Retconning (the act of pretending like an IC event didn’t take place) is not allowed in any circumstance. Please refer to Rule #3 about self-management. Posting & Activity 1. Quality over Quantity.
While Lyceanos has no word count or sentence requirement, we do require Quality. This means no one-liners or dialogue-only posts, but we are understanding of days where you aren’t able to churn out several paragraphs. Mirror posting (mimicking the length of your roleplay partner’s posts) is highly encouraged to prevent unbalanced threads.
2. We are rated a 3-1-3 on the RPG Rating Scale.
This means that mature language, violence and sexual content is permitted, with some limitations. Sexual/Mature content should be clearly flagged and marked, with sexual encounters fading to black or avoiding detail. When in doubt, refer to General Rule #2 and consult with those whom you are writing with. Remember, you will be writing with minors who are 18 years or younger!
3. All images, artwork and coding should be appropriately credited.
Avatars, postscripts and profile images should either be yours for sole use, or clearly credited with permission for use. All stock images used should either be creative commons, credited and/or purchased appropriately, or of your own creation. Don’t borrow or use coding without express permission.
4. Your activity dictates your Character Limit.
You are free to have as many characters as you choose so long as all of the accounts exhibit some level of IC activity. Should you be found with an excessive number of inactive accounts, you may be asked to save their profiles and remove them until you intend to play them again. We greatly discourage ‘Drop & Swap’.
5. One character per account.
Players should only have one character per account. This means that when you want to make a new character (or an OOC account) you’ll register for a new one. The account switcher feature makes it easy to move from one account to the next during your posting ventures.
6. Postscripts and post art are allowed.
All are welcome to decorate their posts how they please, so long as the text colors and sizes are legible, and any postscripts or images do not stretch the boards or contain mature content. There is an area in your 'Edit Profile' area that allows you to change the banner image at the top of all your posts as well!
7. Profiles should be kept simple.
Please refrain from using any coding beyond text styling or basic divs for your profiles. We want profiles to be simple, concise, and easy for all members to read.
8. Lycaenos operates on double-time.
This means that time on Lycaenos passes twice as fast as it does in real life. 7 real days equals 14 Lyca days, and so on. Each season will last 45 days, which means an entire year in Lyca will have taken place in 6 months ooc time.
9. Periodic time jumps may occur.
From time to time, the Site Team will implement a brief time-jump in order to accelerate a plot or introduce a new storyline for Nations to follow. These will average a few IC months’ time and will be accompanied by a site update.
10. Liquid threading is a-okay.
You are free to be in as many threads with the same character as you can handle. We only ask that you self-manage and maintain a linear timeline, and actively avoid situations where your character posts elsewhere in order to avoid a confrontation in a prior or future thread.
11. Post comings are prohibited.
Players cannot save their place in a thread with a ‘post coming’. All in-character replies must be posted in full. Characters 1. Character appearances should be semi-realistic.
Coat colors, patterns, and markings should be relatively realistic with no sharp lines or dramatic shapes. Piebald, roan, and some domestic canine colors (Husky and Shepherds, for instance) are welcomed. Eye colors may be any color you wish and any variance therein. For more information on developing a character, please visit the Character Creation guide.
2. Small accessories and adornments are welcome.
Players are free to be creative with natural adornments and accessories such as vines and other flora, feathers, crystals, bones, pelts and the like. Given Lyca’s history, smaller human-made adornments (as fitting the era of Ancient Greece) are also allowed, such as necklaces, cuffs, etc. Weapons, armor and clothing are prohibited unless earned through in-character achievement.
3. We are LGBT+ friendly!
Lyca welcomes all members and characters with LGBT+ backgrounds. Should your character be trans, we just ask that you reflect on their profiles which gender they identify with. We are always open to suggestions and dialogue on how to better improve our inclusivity.
4. Be diligent about aging your characters.
Please be sure to age your characters appropriately by following Lyca’s timeline. Don’t forget to account for any periodic time jumps that may occur.
5. Characters reach maturity at 2 years old.
Characters reach maturity and reproductive age at 2, which means they can then procreate. Any mature content of a sexual nature is prohibited with any character under 1.5 years old.
6. To procreate, characters must beseech Tethys.
The standard for breeding and procreation on Lyca is a little different. All couples (hetero, same-sex or otherwise) should beseech Tethys at her shrine and ask for her blessing for pups. Currently, this is the only way to conceive on Lyca and any sexual encounters without Tethys’ blessing will not result in pregnancy. Once Tethys’ blessing has been received, the pups will be granted to the couple within 2-3 days at their applicable nursery den-space. Violence & Combat 1. Violence can, and will, happen.
Characters will likely encounter some form of violence during their time here, and we ask members to be open to this. If you don’t like to participate in combat or confronting violent characters, Lycaenos might not be the best place for you to write.
2. No permission needed to be violent… with caveats.
You are not required to obtain permission prior to issuing a challenge or to attempt a maiming or lethal maneuver. However, there needs to be a justifiable in-character reason for the behavior: this means rooted personality, revenge, etc. That being said, if the violence involves sexual assault we do require that you consult the members involved beforehand so as to tread lightly and respectfully. SA is a tender subject for some, and we don’t want them to be involuntarily triggered.
3. Violence & combat can occur anywhere, anytime, with anyone.
Disputes (anything from brief tussles to dominance displays to death matches) can take place in any of the in-character forums of Lycaenos, excluding Leader challenges. Leader challenges must be issued at the Nation in question, or at Olympus (Lyca's formal fighting arena). Generally battles will be 1 vs 1, but interference is always possible. Those that interfere run the risk of consequence from outside parties. Land or Rank challenges should always be 1 vs 1 for fairness. Be sure to tag your opponent so they are alerted to the challenge!
4. You can try to run, you can try to hide.
If your character decides they don’t want to partake in a certain violent squabble, they have the option to concede or run. Keep in mind, your opponent then has the right to pursue you even if it’s across multiple forums over a period of time. In order for an escape to be successful, a member of the Site Team will roll a 6-sided dice; 1, 3, and 5 deem a successful escape, while 2, 4 and 6 indicate your character has been run down and/or caught by their pursuer(s), and they must then either partake in the fight or verbally forfeit.
5. Magic is always on the table.
Given Lyca’s propensity for magic, elements are always allowed during violence and sanctioned combat. That being said, continual magic use during a battle will consequently exhaust your character no matter their experience. Using magic is taxing, and should be reflected as such. If you aren’t clearly marking adequate magic weakness, the Team reserves the right to intervene and, in some instances, mark you for immediate forfeiture/loss.
6. All battles are turn-based.
No matter the length of the battle, all fights should be turn-based and continue with a clear posting order until a winner is clear. During your turn, you are allowed (1) attack per paragraph. Using magic constitutes an attack, and charge-ups and cool-downs for magic should be strictly adhered to. Only 1 dodge is allowed per character per battle for non-magic maneuvers. Battle posts should not exceed 400 words to prevent wordy or “bloated” fight posts. All attacks and defensive motions should be clearly written so as to prevent any confusion. Absolutely no powerplaying or godmoding is allowed, and offenders of this may be marked for forfeiture.
7. All battles have a 48 hour time limit.
No matter the battle type, should you fail to respond to your opponent within 48 hours (as indicated by post timestamps) you automatically forfeit the fight and accept all consequences associated with it. Extensions must be Staff-approved, and will depend solely on circumstance. Absence notices posted after the timestamp of the challenge won’t be accepted or considered for extension.
8. Winner, winner, chicken dinner!
Winners of a battle are decided using one of the following methods: A) your character exhausts him or herself during battle and concedes, B) you and your opponent settle on a turn limit (# of posts each) and then enlist a judge to read the fight and select a winner upon completing the turns, or C) discuss and determine a winner with your opponent towards the end of the fight.
9. Losing is not a bad thing!
Our goal is to buck the competitive trend running rampant through animal rpg’s, so we are putting a clear emphasis on the character development and storytelling in combat. The emphasis of a battle is not to win, but rather to develop: this means exploring all options and being open to the concept that if your character loses, that could prove more fun and useful rather than had they won. Losing opens up all sorts of windows for plot development and storytelling. It's about the journey and about how those losses impact the nations and characters. Loss is as meaningful as victory, sometimes even more. Not to mention, there are boons for both winning AND losing on Lyceanos!
10. Wars and sieges are possible.
Should a group of characters rally together to lay siege to a Nation or hunt a single character (or characters) down, all time limits and posting orders will apply. Sieges should be pre-planned in-character via group meeting or discussion so as to adhere to rules regarding Metaplay (see General rule #7).
11. Use good sense with rescues.
Common sense should be employed with any rescue attempts. Unless your character has solid justification for being available to attempt and rescue another character from harm, they should have no business swooping in.